Where to Go For Employment Law Advice

Employment law is a very complex area. Therefore, if you find yourself in a dispute with oyur employer, or an employee, it is vital that you seek professional legal advice.If you need help and advice on the laws affecting employees and employers, then there are plenty of places to turn to. The following article examines some of the most popular sources of advice for employment law.Employment Law SolicitorsEmployment law solicitors are best placed to offer effective law advice for employers and employees and for this reason, they are many people’s first port of call. However, they will often charge for this advice, and for this reason, many people may choose to first explore other, sources of legal advice.Trade UnionsIn the U.K. there are many Trade Unions who can offer you excellent employment law advice. Most industries have a dedicated Trade Union, and this might be the best place to go if you are dealing with an issue which is specific to your profession. If you are not a member of a Trade Union, however, don’t panic. There are plenty of other places you can go for employment law advice.ACASACAS stands for the ‘Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service’ and is an independent public body of the Government with the intention of offering legal advice and settling disputes between employers and employees.Contrary to popular belief, ACAS is not a Trade Union and is totally impartial. Through conciliation and arbitration, ACAS helps parties to resolve disputes and achieve a satisfactory outcome for all parties involved.Citizens Advice BureauThe Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) offers free, confidential and impartial legal advice as part of its range of services. The aim of this employment law advice is twofold. Firstly, The CAB sets out to help individuals with the problems and issues they may face in their jobs. Secondly, their intention is to improve the policies of companies which affect workers.With a trained team of advisers in every local branch, the Citizens Advice Bureau can offer impartial legal advice and negotiate directly with both the employer and the employee involved in the dispute.Now you know where to get help. If you need advice and assistance, and want to make sure that your complaint is listened to by your employer, then isn’t it time you spoke to an experienced employment law professional, who can make sure that you get all the support and guidance you need for your case?